1.             COMPOSITION

1.1          The Athletes’ Commission (AC) is composed of active Players of Rugby 7s and those players who have not retired for more than 4 years.

1.2.         Athletes Commission members must be older than eighteen (18) years.

1.3.         Athletes Commission members must never have received any sanction in relation to the World Anti-Doping Code.

1.4.         Candidates for election must have participated in at least one Rugby 7s National Championships or National Games during the last four years. .

1.5.         The majority of the members should be, at the time of their nomination, participating at National level, or having done so within the previous four years.

1.6.         The Athletes’ Commission  together with any possible IRFU AC member from  State, will elect one chairs and one deputy chair for the Athletes’ Commission , preferably  one male, and one female, who will automatically be also members of the Haryana Rugby Board.

1.7.         The term of office of Commission members is four years, or less, in the case of filling a casual vacancy. Chairs and members may be re-elected if they meet the conditions listed under paragraph 1.4 above.

1.8          Athletes Commission members must never have received any sanction in relation to Code of Conduct of Haryana Rugby.




2.             MISSION

2.1.         Represent the views and opinions of the athletes and ensure their voice is heard within the Haryana Rugby;

2.2.         Inform athletes about the Haryana Rugby’s activities (i.e., educational tools, rules, and regulations); and

2.3.         Work with and support the Haryana Rugby in its mission to develop and promote the sport.

3.             OBJECTIVES

3.1.         Consider issues related to athletes and provide advice to the Haryana Rugby;

3.2.         Engage actively with initiatives and projects that protect and support clean athletes on and off the field of play;

3.3.         Represent the rights and interests of athletes and make related recommendations. 

3.4.         Consult with athletes in the evaluation of the rules and regulations and subsequently provide feedback to the Haryana Rugby;

3.5.         Maintain contact with the Haryana Rugby, the IRFU Athletes’ Commission; and

3.6.         To incorporate in an effective manner the Athletes’ Rights and Responsibilities declaration into the Haryana Rugby policies and procedures, creating awareness among the athletes.

4.             DUTIES

4.1.         To establish a means of seeking athletes’ opinion on issues of major importance in Rugby through as wide a network of enquiry as possible;

4.2.         To keep the General House, BoD,  and SC regularly informed of athletes’ opinion on issues of major importance in Rugby;

4.3.         To report to the Board on organisational issues that may arise in connection with athletes’ participation at the different competitions organized under the IRFU or Haryana Rugby umbrella;

4.4.         To provide opinions on specific issues of athletes’ interest that may be entrusted to it by the Haryana Rugby;

4.5.         To promote a “healthy image” and “fair play”;

4.6.         To be the link between active athletes and Board.

4.7.         To liaise and consult with Committees and Commissions, where appropriate;

4.8.         To promote and foster the State wide development of Rugby.

5.             MEETINGS

5.1.         The Commission should meet at least once a year, either physically or virtually preferably during the State Championships or Coaching Camp.

6.             FACILITATION

6.1.         The Haryana Rugby administration should be responsible for facilitating the activities and meetings of the AC.

7.             ELECTIONS

7.1.         The procedure for election of the members of the Commission shall be conducted in accordance with the “Haryana Rugby Athletes Commission Election Procedure”.

These Terms of Reference are approved by the Haryana Rugby Governing Body, they enter into force immediately.

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